Working in partnership

Bus branch lines

2nd November 2023
CASE STUDY | DCRP came together with GWR, local authorities and bus operators to produce and promote a series of 10 ‘travelogue’ short films to inspire visits to leisure destinations across Devon and Cornwall using joined-up sustainable transport.

New national rail promotion for Devon & Cornwall

24th January 2019
Launch of Explore Devon and Cornwall with CrossCountry leaflet at Birmingham New Street
A new national rail promotion of Devon & Cornwall has been launched by the Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership and CrossCountry. The centrepiece of the promotion is a "Devon & Cornwall – visit by train with CrossCountry" leaflet.

EU Citizens’ Rail project

7th January 2016
CASE STUDY | We were lead partner in the EU Citizens’ Rail project, which ran from 2012 to 2015. The project worked in five regions in North West Europe to put into practice the ‘community rail’ approach developed in the UK over the past 20 years.

Beer mat promotion with CAMRA

17th July 2015
CASE STUDY | We joined forces with the Campaign for Real Ale to encourage pub goers in Exeter and South Devon to travel by train, using beer mats bearing the message ‘Get here on the Riviera Line’.

Visit Poldark country by train

20th June 2015
CASE STUDY | We've worked with Visit Cornwall, the National Trust and other regional partners to tap into popular culture with our "Visit Poldark country by train" campaign.

Cornish Mining Heritage project

7th May 2013
CASE STUDY | Luxulyan on the Atlantic Coast Line is ideally located near to a walking route through the Luxulyan Valley which takes in the splendid Treffry Viaduct.

Time Travelling Train

9th May 2011
CASE STUDY | The Partnership worked with Plymouth University students and local school children to create an award-winning children’s book.

Promoting Calstock to Cotehele

4th February 2010
CASE STUDY | We have worked with the National Trust to promote the picturesque walk between Calstock station and Cotehele.