Exmouth schoolchildren ride the Avocet Line to Exeter

Pupils from Marpool Primary School in Exmouth recently took a free train trip on the Avocet Line which links Exmouth and Exeter, to visit Exeter Cathedral as part of their Religious Education studies. The trip was organised by the Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership under their “Train trips for schoolchildren” initiative. This aims to introduce more children to rail travel and is run in conjunction with Great Western Railway, who provided free travel for the children and teachers.
Mrs Lufkin, a year 5 teacher at Marpool Primary School said: “Going by train was extremely easy for us as the Cathedral is a 5 minute walk from Exeter Central station. The children were fascinated looking at the different art forms in the Cathedral and finding evidence of how art was used to express faith and worship. They particularly loved taking rubbings of the floor in the Bishop Oldham Chapel, and learning about the Astrological clock. Some children had not travelled by train before and relished the experience. Others were familiar with the line and enjoyed pointing out the landmarks to look out for along the way. Either way, it was an extremely enjoyable and worthwhile experience.”
Celia Minoughan, Project Officer from the Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership, said: “We were delighted at the children’s enthusiasm for travelling by train. Some of them hadn’t been on the train before. A great day out!”
Great Western Railway Mid Devon Station Manager Melanie Harvey said: “This scheme is a great way to encourage local children to use our railway safely and confidently.”