Atlantic Coast Line case studies

Rail Ale Trails

15th October 2024
Couple behind bar at pub
CASE STUDY | With widespread pub closures an issue of national concern, the Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership supports nearly a hundred real ale pubs through our Rail Ale Trail scheme.

Developing the Mid Cornwall Metro website

13th January 2024
CASE STUDY | atlBuilding on our experience creating and running the official website, we have developed the website, logo and visual brand for the £56m Mid Cornwall Metro project.

Walks from the Railway

4th November 2022
CASE STUDY | To respond to people’s urge to get back outdoors following the pandemic, the Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership (DCRP) mounted a year-long campaign to promote the scenic ‘walks from the railway’ available across the two counties.

CreativiTea trains

8th October 2019
Poet Sally Crabtree sings with local school children on the Creativitea train
CASE STUDY | Find out about our inter-generational tea parties on the train to explore memories of the railway and bring people together. The project won the "Best Community Engagement" category at the national Community Rail Awards.

Great Scenic Railways website

3rd October 2015
CASE STUDY | Great Scenic Railways is the Partnership’s tourism-focused website, promoting the branch lines to more than 75,000 tourists and local day trippers each year.

Cornish Mining Heritage project

7th May 2013
CASE STUDY | Luxulyan on the Atlantic Coast Line is ideally located near to a walking route through the Luxulyan Valley which takes in the splendid Treffry Viaduct.

Improving access at Bugle

15th December 2011
CASE STUDY | Wheelchair and pram users now have much improved access to Bugle station thanks to a new path created with the help of the Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership.